Dr. Santana Jones

Dr. Santana Jones has been practicing dentistry for 7 years. She is a native of South Carolina and attended undergrad at The University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. Dr.Jones obtained her Doctoral Degree in Dentistry from Meharry Medical College in May 2016. Since graduating dental school, Dr.Jones has been practicing general dentistry with children. She is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), South Carolina Dental Association (SCDA) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). Dr.Jones has a special way of using her passion in dentistry to connect with children as she provides their dental care. Dr.Jones is extremely passionate about dentistry and children. She is very caring and patient, with her ‘little patients’. When Dr.Jones is not in the office practicing dentistry she enjoys running, golfing, shopping and reading. Dr.Jones is honored to provide exceptional dental care to the children of South Carolina.